

It used to be considered an emissary of the Thunder God, and thus was not hunted by people. However, after witnesses observed one die from a lightning strike, its reverence faded, and it quite literally fell into the role of a workhorse.

Electricity element
Work Suitability
Generate Electricity
Generate Electricity


It used to be considered an emissary of the Thunder God, and thus was not hunted by people. However, after witnesses observed one die from a lightning strike, its reverence faded, and it quite literally fell into the role of a workhorse.

Partner Skill
Thunderous Icon Swift Deity

Can be ridden. Applies COMMON_ELEMENT_NAME_Electricity damage to the player's attacks while mounted.

Active Skills
Element Icon Spark Blast
Lvl 1

The user releases a lightning ball that expands outward in a forward, circular pattern.

Power: 30

Cooldown: 2

Range: 500 - 5000

Element Icon Shockwave
Lvl 7

Quickly discharges electricity, shocking those around it.

Power: 40

Cooldown: 4

Range: 0 - 300

Element Icon Lock-on Laser
Lvl 15

Takes aim at an enemy before firing a super high speed laser.

Power: 70

Cooldown: 15

Range: 0 - 5000

Element Icon Lightning Streak
Lvl 22

Generates a lightning bolt that moves forward in a line.

Power: 75

Cooldown: 16

Range: 500 - 2000

Element Icon Tri-Lightning
Lvl 30

Generates lightning that strikes an enemy three times from above.

Power: 90

Cooldown: 22

Range: 0 - 9999

Element Icon Lightning Strike
Lvl 40

Acts as a lightning rod, calling down thunderbolts that electrocute the surrounding area.

Power: 120

Cooldown: 40

Range: 0 - 500

Element Icon Lightning Bolt
Lvl 50

Charges electric energy before blasting enemies with a powerful shock.

Power: 150

Cooldown: 55

Range: 500 - 3000